참고: http://bernii.github.io/gauge.js/
guege.js를 사용. 옵션에 따라 눈금의 설정,시침설정,그래프 모양설정 등등을 옵션으로 지정할 수 있다.
<canvas id="canvas_gage"></canvas>
<br />
<div style="margin-left:120px"><span id="canvas_gage_txt">0</span>%</div>
var opts = {
angle: 0, // The span of the gauge arc
lineWidth: 0.4, // The line thickness
radiusScale: 1, // Relative radius
pointer: {
length: 0.6, // // Relative to gauge radius
strokeWidth: 0.035, // The thickness
color: '#000000' // Fill color
staticLabels: {
font: "10px sans-serif", // Specifies font
fontSize: 20,
labels: [100], // Print labels at these values
color: "#000000", // Optional: Label text color
fractionDigits: 0 // Optional: Numerical precision. 0=round off.
renderTicks: {
divisions: 2,
divWidth: 1.1,
divLength: 0.5,
divColor: '#333333',
subLength: 0.5,
subWidth: 0.6,
subColor: '#666666'
staticZones: [
{ strokeStyle: "#C55A11", min: 0, max: max_cu }, // Red from 100 to 130
limitMax: false, // If false, max value increases automatically if value > maxValue
limitMin: false, // If true, the min value of the gauge will be fixed
colorStart: '#C55A11', // Colors
colorStop: '#8FC0DA', // just experiment with them
strokeColor: '#E0E0E0', // to see which ones work best for you
generateGradient: true,
highDpiSupport: true, // High resolution support
var target = document.getElementById('canvas_gage'); // your canvas element
gauge.maxValue = 200; // set max gauge value
gauge.setMinValue(0); // Prefer setter over gauge.minValue = 0
gauge.animationSpeed = 32; // set animation speed (32 is default value)
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